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The US Citizenship Test

The US Citizenship Test is best practiced with sample questions and answers. To become a citizen of the United States, all immigrants must pass an English and civics test. Immigrants are allowed two chances to pass the tests. History questions and government questions are two categories of civics test questions.

About The US Citizenship Test

You must pass a US citizenship test (naturalization test) that comprises of an English exam and a civics exam if you wish to become a US citizen. The reading, writing, and speaking sections of the English test are all required. The civics test consists of 10 questions, at least six of which must be answered correctly. Continue reading to discover if you can pass the US citizenship test.

Citizenship is frequently the ultimate goal of immigrants moving to the United States. An immigrant must pass a citizenship exam in order to become a US citizen. This includes an English test as well as a civics test that covers historical information about America as well as current events concerning the American government.

Who is Eligible for the US Citizenship Test?

An immigrant must have a valid green card to be eligible for citizenship. He or she must also have spent at least 5 years in America.

English Test for Naturalization

The English test is divided into three sections: reading, speaking, and writing. On the internet, you may get a reading and writing vocabulary list. The candidate must be able to read at least one of three sentences clearly and write at least one of three sentences to pass the exam. The applicant’s ability to pass the speaking exam is determined by how he or she interacts with a USCIS officer during the interview.

Civics Test for Naturalization

The civics test consists of ten questions, whereby at least six right answers are required. The good news is that the civics test questions are drawn from a pool of 100 questions that have been pre-determined. These inquiries can be classified into the following categories:

  1. System of Government
  2. Principles of American Democracy
  3. Rights and Responsibilities
  4. Colonial Period and Independence
  5. America in the 1800s
  6. Recent American History
  7. Geography
  8. Common Symbols in America
  9. American holidays

A Sample Civics US Citizenship Test

This test can be taken twice by any applicant. Do you believe you’d pass the exam on your first try? Here’s an example of what you could be asked.

The US Citizenship Test: Sample Questions And Answers

Q.1 Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

James Madison
John Jay
Thomas Jefferson
Alexander Hamilton
Correct answer: Thomas Jefferson

Q.2 What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?

The United Nations and the Flag
The President and the Oval Office
Freedom and Liberty
The US Military
Correct answer: The United Nations and the Flag

Q.3 Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?

The Prime Minister
The President
The Speaker of the house
The Chief Justice
Correct answer: The President

Q.4 What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?

Correct answer: Africans

Q.5 How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

Correct answer: 9

Q.6 What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?

New Jersey
New Mexico
Correct answer: Louisiana

Q.7 What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?

Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
American Ocean
Indian Ocean
Correct answer: Atlantic Ocean

Q.8 What is the capital of the United States?

New York
Washington DC
Correct answer: Washington DC

Q.9 When do we celebrate Independence Day?

January 15th
April 9th
July 4th
November 10th
Correct answer: July 4th

Q.10 Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?

World War I
World War II
The war between Africa and America
Cold War
Correct answer: World War II

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